KICKSTARTER: Deanna of the Dead

Deanna of the Dead
Created by William Skaar
Published by Carnigor
I checked out some of William Skaar's previous Carnigor series featuring the dark beauty Deanna of the Dead, and was saddened to know that the previous publication had ended. William has launched a kickstarter campaign to print a new series surrounding the story of Deanna.
If you like Erotic Comedy and Horror, you will LOVE this series! The artwork is dynamic, in-your-face, and hypnotic. Every page is an arousing laugh, and you will fall in love with this character as soon as you open the book. William will have both digital and printed copies available for sale. He is super close to reaching his goal so that he can provide this story to his current and new readers.
Please check out his kickstarter and give whatever you can. The book will be worth the support!
- Alain Alexander Mesa
#Carnigor #DeannaoftheDead #Erotic #Horror #Comedy #Boobies #Nude #Humor #Cryptic #Deanna #Zombies #Vulgar #Shocking #Smut #Erotica #Creative #Dark #Twisted #WilliamSkaar #Xenoverse #Blog #AlainAlexanderMesa #Review